Monday, December 12, 2011


Blogging was a new experience to me.  I did not dread blogging at all.  I found it interesting.  I could read about people I didn’t even know.  It was interesting to see other people’s point of views on things.  However, people could read the same things about me.  At first it seemed hard for me to open up and let people I didn’t know read things that I wrote.  But after the first couple blogs it became easier, almost fun.  I liked reading other people’s stories.  I became regulars to some peoples blogs.  I would go to several people’s pages weekly to read their new blogs because the style of their writing interested me.
This semester went by very fast for me.  With the classes being short, I still feel like I got to know others in the class very well.  It was nice being in a small class.  The environment was invited and friendly.  I most likely won’t continue blogging, but I still hope to see the familiar faces from class around campus :)


  1. I enjoyed reading other people's blogs too. It was interesting to me. Good luck and hope to see you around.

  2. after a few weeks of blogging, I got bored of it and stopped blogging. I wish you the best of luck in the future.

  3. Blogging was actually very interesting and fun. It was interesting to learn about other people and it was interesting to learn about yourself when you open up and write about certain things!!

  4. Megan your blogs were always very interesting :)

  5. It was interesting to read other people's blogs!

  6. that was a good idea, not reading what you wrote! I had to read it over and over again to make sure I didnt look stupid haha! (:

  7. I wish you the best Megan!it was cool reading your blogs.
